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Here are the artists we have that perform in the Folk genre.
3 Pint Harmony
5794 The Band
Aaron Calabrese
Acoustic Reflex OLD 11-2-14
Acoustic Sunshine OLD 11-2-14
Alana DeBow
Albert A Bashor
Alex Dame
Alexander and the Grapes
Alexander and The Grapes
Alias Julius
All Day Tuck
Amber Ikeman **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Amber Lynn Nicol
American Song Box
American Song Box
AMI Radio
Andrew Carmouche
Annalise Emerick
Annual San Antonio Rattlesnake Festival
Another Roadside Attraction OLD 11-2-14
Anthony Wayne
ANTI-STARS **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Applebutter Express
Artists One Show
Ash Devine
Autumn June
Autumn June
Bar Drones **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Barry & Holly Tashian OLD 11-2-14
Barry and the Boomers
Bath Salt Zombies **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Bear and Robert
Beaumont Family Band
Becca Myari
Belle and the Band **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Ben Hammond
Ben Weiner
Benjamin Road
Bergie & The Magic Bag
Berry Oakley's SKYLAB
Bert and Sassy
Beth Marshall
Between Bluffs
Between Bluffs
Big Daddy Band
Big Joe's Jukebox
Bill and Karen Shepherd
Bill Berlinghoff
Bill Dundas, Acoustic Favorites
Bill Floyd
Bill Johnston
Bill Metts
Bill Vinhage
Billy Isner
Blue Island Beer Club OLD 11-2-14
Blue Ribbon Daisies **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Bluegrass Boomers
Bluegrass Pirates
BnB Duet
Bob Comeau
Bob Kraemer Open Mic
Bob Lusk
Bobby Vesey
Bobby Vesey **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Bodie Valdez
Boo Radley
Boxcar Hollow
Boxcar Hollow
Bradly Ashby
Brandi Sparks
Brendan Doherty Music
Brendan Nolan
Brian and Brian
Brian Caudill
Brian Caudill
Brian McCarthy
Brian McCarthy
Brian Smalley
Brigid's Cross
Brittani McCracken
Brooke Ramel
Brooksville Wayne
Bud Buckley
Cage O'Hanlon
Cage O'Hanlon
Cage O'Hanlon
Caitlin Rushing
Caloosahatchee Celtic Festival **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Caravan of Thieves
Carly Bak
Carolyn Dunn
Casey O'Reilly
Cassie Jean and the Fireflies
Celtic Conundrum
Celtic Family Jamboree
Celtic Family Jamboree
Chad Spikes
Charles Goodwin
Charlie Pace Band
Charlie Stamas with Mollie Getson **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Cheetah Coalition
Chip Ragsdale
Chris Flowers
Chris Otto aka (Kortez & the Killers)
Chris Otto & Siesta Key Lei
Chris Sjokvist - The Onlie
Christie Lenee
Chuck Andrews
Clint Brandt
Clint Brandt OLD 11-2-14
Clockwork Knotwork, Irish/American Steampunk Band **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Clover's Revenge
Coastal Steve
Coffee House
Colin Ward
Common Flaw OLD 11-2-14
Completely From Mountains OLD 11-2-14
Conch Critters Band
Cool Breeze
Corey McHugh
Corey McHugh **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Cosmic Radio
Coventry Jones
Crackerbilly Band
Craic Show
Creative Differences Americana Music
Cristi Massey
Cristi Massey
Cyndi Simmons **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Cynthia Jordan
Dale Cavanaugh
Dale Cavanaugh
Dan Cartlidge and the Irish All Stars OLD 11-2-14
Dan Stevens
Dana Lawrence of Kettle of Fish
Danielle Mohr
Daryl Lane
Dave Miner
Dave Valliere
David Murabito
Davy Knowles
Deb Ruby
Dennis and Aaron Wallace
Dennis Wallace
Derek Engstrom
Derek Sivers
Derek Sivers
Devine and Laroche OLD 11-2-14
Dirty Spoons & Trash
Divine AF
Dixie Blue OLD 11-2-14
DJ Shmuu
Doctor Paul
Dog Peter Pat
Don Huntsinger OLD 11-2-14
Donegal Hill
Donna The Buffalo
Donny Van Slee
Donny Van Slee **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Doug Spears
Doyle Duo
Dreadnot **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Dreamwalkers **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Dropin Pickup
Dunedin Celtic Festival
Dunedin Celtic Music & Craft Beer Festival
Dwayne Geib
Edelweiss Band
EJRay Acoustic
Emily Frost
Evan French
F & R Music Project
Faerie Elaine Silver
Fancy Larry & the Plain Jaynes
Fiona Frensche
fiZ (a.k.a. fiZ Anthony) **Inactive as of 1/9/20
FL Winter Music Festival
Florida Boys
Florida Cracker Cowboys
Florida Folk Festival
Florida Folk Show
Flow Sisters
Flying High
Foggy Longbritches Folk Festival
Folk University
Frank Calafiura
Frank Thomas
Frankie Jay and the Chicken Parade
Frankie Raye
Frankie Raye & Frank Dancey
Fremont John
Funky Panda OLD 11-2-14
Gabriel Newell
Gabriel Newell
Gale Trippsmith
Gary Davis OLD 11-2-14
Gary Michael Sintes
Gary Michael Sintes
Gary Putthoff
Gene Field
Gilly & the Girl
Glen Hayden
Grant Peeples
Great Peacock
Greenhouse Affect
Greg Roche'
Greg Short & Friends
Greg Woodruff
Guitar Mike & Friends
Gulf Blues
Gulfport Art Walk
Gypsy Wind
Hank Woji OLD 11-2-14
Hatley Band
He Kindly
Heather Gillis Band
Heather Gillis Band
Helena Kletch
Hideaway Presents
Holt and Cabe
Honey Badgers
Hot Pockets
Infamous Project
Irish Dennis Panars
Island Avenue
J Kolb
J. Coker and The Root Swamp Funk Band
Jack Collins **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Jackson Creek
James Alan
James Alan OLD 11-2-14
James Hawkins
Jamie Hite
Jamie Thomas
Janelle Sadler
Jason Allen
Jayne Kelli
Jayne Kelli
Jct 27
JD and Zetha Lewis
Jeff Hanshaw OLD 11-2-14
Jeffery Straker
Jen Howard
Jen&Ray **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Jennings & Keller
Jeremy Simon
Jerry Kyte
Jessica Rose
Jetty Shakers OLD 11-2-14
Jim Garrett
Jim Gilmour **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Joe B.
Joe Bill Loudermilk OLD 11-2-14
Joe Farren
Joe Jarrell
Joe Milligan Project
John Clark
John Ellis
John French Band
John Frinzi
John Gold OLD 11-2-14
John Howard
John Kelly
John Kelly Band
John Rinell
John Vellines
Jonny Jenaro
Josh & Jenny Higgins
Josh Gilton
Josh Harty
Josh Higgins
Josh Lacey
Joyful Noise With A Side Of Jerky
Jubal's Kin OLD 11-2-14
Julianne Ankley
Julie Savannah
June Bunch
Justin Kaiser
Justin Kaiser
Kara Nally
Karen Greenley
Karen Greenley
Karmic Tattoo
Kasondra Rose
Kasondra Rose
Kat Lanford
Kat Lanford Music
Katie at the Piano
Katie Morgan
Katie Talbert
Keller Williams
Ken Holt
Ken Spivey Band **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Kevin McGuire and Rich Blasich **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Kevin Toon
Kim Logan
Kortez & the Killers
Kraig Kenning
Kyle Shaw
Lady and The Bard
Land Of Flowers **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Larry & Jeannie
Lauren Heintz
Lee Carter Cook
Lee Stetson Band
Lesa Silvermore Band
Lightning Jack
Lil' Pearl and the Big Boys OLD 11-2-14
Lisa Noe
Lisa Noe
Lisa Z Music & FRIEND!
Little Girl and The Dreadful Snakes
Liz Hollister **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Local Raw Honey
Logan Grant Band
Lojo Russo **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Lonny Sarao
Lucky Buck **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Lucky Mud
Lullaby of the Rivers Festival
Mac Gilliossa **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Mac Martin
Made In America
Magic Mike OLD 11-2-14
Malcom Holcombe
Mallory Moyer
Manatee Mike
Marc Bosserman
Marcille Wallis & Friends
Mark John Sternal
Mark Mann
Martin Jordan OLD 11-2-14
Matt Zitwer
Matthew Sabatella
Michael J Weiss
Michael Miller
Michael Miller (Singer/Songwriter)
Michelle Ingrham
Mike Handley
Mike Imbasciani
Mike Imbasciani & his BluezRockerz
Mindy Simmons
Monday Monday
Moon Crush "Cowboy Moon"
Moonshine Holler **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Mr. Whiskers
Mustang Sally & The Hamjos
My Girl My Whiskey & Me
Myia Sapphire **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Nat Langston
Nate Howell **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Nauti Nancy's Tuesday Open Mic + **Inactive as of 1/9/20
New Year's Music Fest at the Farm
Nigel Egg
Noah Broe **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Not Broken Yet **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Not From Texas OLD 11-2-14
Not Tuna
Oak Ramble
Ober Rivers & His D.U.I.S **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Olga Shine
On A WHIM 2.0 **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Open Mic Nite
Open Mics by On A WHIM **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Pamela Jo
Panama Red
Papa Foxtrot
Paper Airplanes
Paper Airplanes
Patsy & Majella
Paul & Ieva Cataldo
Paul Angerosa
Paul Angerosa
Paul Cataldo
Paul Crotty
Paul Duffy & Michial Hickmott OLD 11-2-14
Paul Duffy and The Tiny Font Irish Band OLD 11-2-14
Paul Duffy Irish Pub Songs
Paul James
Paul Smithson
Peg and Awl OLD 11-2-14
Penn Johnson
Pete Merrigan
Phase III Band
Phil Greek **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Pickford Sundries
Pickford Sundries OLD 11-2-14
Ponder the Albatross
Prodigal Sons - Sarasota
Project:Joni Joni Mitchell Tribute
Project:Joni Joni Mitchell Tribute
Proud Miranda
Psychotropic Band
Punta Gorda Hibiscus Festival
Puppet OLD 11-2-14
Rachel Grubb
Ray Gurka
Rayzilla's PBS OLD 11-2-14
Rayzor Fest OLD 11-2-14
Rebekah Pulley
Red X Band
Regina AaMacha **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Resilience Road
Rich McKee OLD 11-2-14
Richard 'Doc' Burton
Richard Glickman
Rick Bales
Rick Bales
Rick Ferrin
Rick Hatfield
Riverhawk Music Festival
Robert Rudnik **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Rocky Bentley
Rod MacDonald
Ron & Bari
Rose Island Band
Rose Island Band
Rosewood Creek
Rough & Tumble
Run For Covers **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Ryan Meeker
Ryan Stroh OLD 11-2-14
Ryders Night
S.G. Wood
S.G. Wood
Sal Ritz
Sarasota Folk Club
Savannah Brady
Scott Alan Reid
Scott Alan Reid
Scott Clay
Scott Curts
Scott Fallon
Scotty Wade
Screaming Orphans
Sertoma Spring Grass Festival OLD 11-2-14
Shadric Smith
Shane Meade & the Sound
Shannon Hughes
Shawn Brown
Shawn Brown Folk n Roll
Sheila and The TSP OLD 11-2-14
Sherrona Steward
Sherrona Steward
Shotgun Party
Sincerely Yours
Singer Girl
Slim & Shakee
So Good! The Neil Diamond Experience
Soul Drivers
South Florida Folk & Acoustic Music Fest
spellBind band **Inactive as of 1/9/20
SSR Acoustic **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Stacy Gabel
Stan Bozek
Stan Bozek
Starbird OLD 11-2-14
Stephanie Anderson
Stephanie Anderson
Steve Paradis
Steve Paradis
Steve Riley & Mamou Playboys
Steve Sipes
Steve Vaclavik and The Woeful Ones OLD 11-2-14
Stillhouse Shakers
Stop n' Shop
Sudie Brattli **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Suitcase Full of Blues
Suitcase Full of Blues
Sun Sand and Soul
Sunset Bridge Band
Sunshine State Music Festival OLD 11-2-14
Susan James OLD 11-2-14
Susi and Regis
Suzanne Lucas. “Me, Myself, & I”
Suzanne Lucas -Black Box Duo
Syl Vee
Tanya Radtke OLD 11-2-14
Taylor & Larry
Taylor Fletcher
Taylor Raynor
Taylor Raynor
TeddyKool and The Good Time Show
The Bath Salt Zombies
The Black Velvet Band
The Blue Diamond Band
The Blue Eyed Bettys
The Byrne Brothers
The Con Artist
The Dunn Deal
The Dunn Deal
The FarmBoyz
The Gifted
The Good Bad Kids
The Grass Flats
The Hummingbirds
The Hummingbirds
The Lee Stetson Band
The Line Up with Mickenzie Peisher
The Macmanics
The Magic Band OLD 11-2-14
The Marvin **Inactive as of 1/9/20
The Mostly Irish, Irish Band OLD 11-2-14
The Natural Blend Band
The Otto-Mafia
The Palma Project
The Peacock Players
The Prodigal Sons Sarasota
The Songwriter's Soundstage
The Swamp Chickens
The Tree Frogs
The Unseen Keys
The Wiley Collective
Them Travelin' Bugs
Tim Connelly
Tim Hutchinson
Tim Lesmeister
Tim McCaig
Tim Sukits
TJ Weger
Tom and Tom - TNT
Tom Kimmel
Tom Kimmel
Tom Mobley OLD 11-2-14
Tom Scudiero
Toni Brown Duo
Tony and his Toys
Tony Mawdesley **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Trailside Phantoms
Trailside Phantoms **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Treble Hook's Florida Folk and Medicine Show
Triad Band
Tribal Revival Duo
Trippin Shoes **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Troy Cusson
Trubble Behind
Turn Back Time
Ukulele Meet-Up **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Uno Duo
Unseen Keys **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Uproot Hootenanny
Urban Gypsies of Florida
Wade & Otto - OLD
Wandering Hours
Watermelon Wine
Wednesday Night Players Jam
Wendy Benson and Steve Ethridge
Wendy Soulshaker's Brooksville Jam Nights
West of Galway
Whiskey Dregs
Whiskey Dregs
Wicked Muse
Wildflower Festival
Will Erickson
Will Erickson
Will McLean Music Festival
Will McLean Music Festival
Will Quinlan
WMNF 1st Annual Rockin' the Ranch OLD 11-2-14
Wolf in the Fold
WyKnotts **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Wynn Taylor
Wynn Taylor
Yo Mamas
You&I **Inactive as of 1/9/20