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Here are the artists we have that perform in the Jam Band genre.
1969 Band Florida
3 Cats and a Hat
504 Band OLD 11-2-14
Acme Jazz Garage
Acme Jazz Garage
Acoustic Reflex OLD 11-2-14
Afterburners Band
Alan Gilman
Alan Grant Band
All Jacked Up Jam Hosted by Daniel B Marshall
All Veteran Jam Band **Inactive as of 1/9/20
All-Star Jam Band
Angelo Santelli
Another Roadside Attraction OLD 11-2-14
Arla and The Sound OLD 11-2-14
Aurora For The Night
Bath Salt Zombies **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Baxter Briefly
Bear Delli Paoli
Bergie & The Magic Bag
Berry Duane Oakley & Friends
Berry Duane Oakley's Mini Service & Indigenous Suspects
Berry Oakley's SKYLAB
Bert and Sassy
Between Bluffs
Between Bluffs
Big Bang Method
Big Foxxy OLD 11-2-14
Black & Tenn
Bless Ed
Blue Ribbon Daisies
Blue Ribbon Daisies **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Blues Jam w/ Frank Murphy and the SwampTones OLD 11-2-14
Blues Jam w/Carolyn Davis OLD 11-2-14
Bob Margolin
Bob Menzies
Bogus Pomp
Boxcar Hollow
Bradly Ashby
Branson Welsh Group
Brian Spotts
Bride of Chaotica
Bride of Chaotica
Bruce Wendel Band
Buck BarefootBand
Buddha Vice **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Buffalo Strange
BullDog Johnny & the Pack
Bully For You
Burt Englesman OLD 11-2-14
Cats Under The Stars Festival
Chaka **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Charlie O. and The Houserockers
Charlie O. and The Houserockers OLD 11-2-14
Cherry Bombs
Chris Otto & Siesta Key Lei
Chuck Magid Band
Chuck Terzian Experience
Come Back Alice
Controlled Chaos
Controlled Fall
Copious Jones
Copper Coils
Cosmic Jam
Crazy Fingers (South Florida)
Cross Creek Blues Band
Curtis Live and The Higher Standards
Custard Pie
D-42 (Dinner for Two)
Dallas Borhers Peace ! Love and Blueberries Festival
Dani Jaye Music
Daniel Heitz Band
Danke de Nada
Danny Brantley
David Hardy
Debra Devi
Deon Chase
Deuces Wild
Dirty Byrd
Dirty Spoons & Trash
Dj Drummer Mike
DJ Shmuu
Doc Synizter OLD 11-2-14
Don't Stop St Petersburg **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Downtown River Jam
Dr. Bacon
Dragons Breath - Open Jam
Dreamwalkers **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Drum Circle
Earthdance Florida
Electric Kif
Electric Mud OLD 11-2-14
Electric Woodshed
Elly and Company
Emerald Lady Health and Music Fest
Endless Flow
Endless Flow
Eric & Matt
Este Loves
Este Loves
Fairwinds Trio
Falcon Awesome **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Family Funk Jam
fiZ (a.k.a. fiZ Anthony) **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Flying High
Franc Robert
Free Whiskey
Fresh Hops
Funkin Grateful
Funky Farm Music
Funky Nuggets
Funky Nuggets **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Funky Seeds **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Galbraith Group
Generation Next
Glass Cats
Good Wood Band
Granny's Gin
Great Outdoors Jam
Greenhouse Affect
Gregg Voorhees **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Grindstone Sinners
Groove Orient
Groove to Move **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Haitz OLD 11-2-14
Heartwood Music Fest
Heather Gillis Band
Heather Gillis Band
High Cotton
High Cotton
Hillbilly Hellcats
Holiday Giving
Hollow Point
Hometeam New Years Rally **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Honeytribe OLD 11-2-14
Human Clay
Humans in Disguise
Infamous Project
J. Coker and The Root Swamp Funk Band
Jake Salter Live
Jam Jones
Jam Nights
Jam with Chris & Jimmy OLD 11-2-14
James Alan OLD 11-2-14
Jammin' With Sam OLD 11-2-14
Jason Allen
Jay and the OGs
Jengle Slap
Jerryland: Celebrating Jerry Garcia
Jimmy Needs Meds
Joe Milligan Project
Joey D
Joey Lavallee and the Groove Hounds
John Ellis
Johnnie Barker
Jon Ditty
Jon Ditty
Jonnie Morgan **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Joose - FL **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Josh Higgins
Joy Wagon
Jumpin Jack Grass
Kaleigh "Ma" Baker
Kaleigh Baker
Kara Nally
Karen and The Big Bad Wolves
Karen Greenley
Karen Klarich
Ken Petersen Band
Kenny McGee
Kerry with a K
Kevin Thompson
KG Reggae Band **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Kid Red
Kid Royal & The Hang-Ups
Kirk Adams
Land Of Flowers **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Lazarski Moore Duo **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Lee Stetson Band
Lefty Hathaway Band
Leify Green And The Various Vikings
Lemon City Trio
License to Chill
License To Chill
Lightning Jack
Lint Rollers
Little Econ Love Fest 2016
Local Raw Honey
Local Raw Honey
Lojo Russo **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Luna Blue
Magic Beans
Magnetic South
Main Street Station Band
Majick Toast Band
Makeshift - OLD
MamaLinda Music Fest
Man VS Clam
Man Vs Clam **Inactive as of 1/9/20
MarcAnthony PRESENTS Retro Show Live
Mark Skey
MarKus Lee
Matt Knabe
Matt Knabe
Michael May James
Michael Miller (Singer/Songwriter)
Mike Kach & Friends
Mister Pickles
Mister Pickles **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Moonstone Riders
Mr. BullFrog Entertainment
Mr. Whiskers
Mr. Whiskers & The Nine Lives
Myia Sapphire **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Nate Howell **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Nauti Nancy's Tuesday Open Mic + **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Nick Sperry
No Resolutions Music Festival
Noah Broe **Inactive as of 1/9/20
North Trail Rhythm Project
North Trail Rhythm Project OLD 11-2-14
Not From Here
Not Tuna
O2H - The Music of Hall and Oates
Oak Ramble
Open Jam with Boomer Bruce Brunette
Open Mic w/Mickey Funk & Ray Carpenter
Open Mics by On A WHIM **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Orange Blossom Jamboree
Over The Edge
Papa Schmitz Band OLD 11-2-14
Paul Angerosa
Poly Essence
Pompano Beach Seafood Festival
Psychotropic Band
Rastus Kain & The Black Dirt Posse **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Rayzilla's PBS OLD 11-2-14
Reina Collins
Rexdel Camp & The Happy Campers
Rich Sheldon
Richard 'Doc' Burton
Richie Mays And About Time
Rick Berthod
Rising Tide
RJ Howson
Row Jomah
Runaway Gin
Russ Adams Project
Saltwater Hippy Band
Sam And The Phunky Boys
Samepage **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Sandi Grecco
Santelli-Oakley band **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Sarasota Music Half Marathon **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Savannah Brady
Scott Guberman
Scotty Wade
Sean Fote
Sgammato & Friends
Shantel Norman
Shayne's Gang
Ship of Fools
Shipwrecked Music Festival
Shoeless Soul
ShoeLess Soul
Show Biz Kids 12-piece Steely Dan Tribute **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Siesta Key Lei
Silver Springs Fleetwood Mac Tribute
Skull and Bone Band
Soul Purpose IV
Soulcash **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Spring Green Jam OLD 11-2-14
Standback OLD 11-2-14
Steve Castellini Music
Stevie Frank
Stick & Ditty
Stick Martin
Stone Groov
Stoney Rollin and The Banned
Stoneys Karaoke
String Assassins
Suitcase Full of Blues
Sun Sand and Soul
Sunday Funkday Jam!
Sunset Bridge Band
Sunshine Get Down
Super Hit OLD 11-2-14
Suwannee Hulaween
Suwannee Roots Revival
Sweet N Sticky Jam
Sybil Gage
Syl Vee
Tasty Vibrations
Taylor Fletcher
Taylor Jansen Trio
TC Carr
The Barker Project (T.B.P.)
The Bath Salt Zombies
The Bullfrogs
The BullFrogs **Inactive as of 1/9/20
The BullFrogs - OLD
The Copper Coils
The Doors Tribute by Crystal Ship
The Gifted
The Gifted
The Hair of the Dog
The Heart Machine
The Inevitable **Inactive as of 1/9/20
The Joint Chiefs
The Jones Jr Project
The Justin Alderman Band
The Kollections
The Lee Boys
The Lee Stetson Band
The Macmanics
The Mordigans Band
The New Mastersounds
The New Vinyls
The New York Bee Gees
The Nick Horn Project
The No Dice Band
The Optimators OLD 11-2-14
The Pam Jazz Jam
The Ries Brothers
The Rosewoods
The Rosewoods **Inactive as of 1/9/20
The Rustbelt
The Shannon Reed Band
The Time Framed
The Trees of Life
The Trichome Trio
The Who Daddies
The YaHOo's! Band
Thee 4-Tunate Sonz
Thorson Moore
Tim Connelly
Tim Dodge & Friends
Tinman & Gang
Toler-Tucci Band OLD 11-2-14
Tom Baptist
Tongue n Groove
Tony da Bass & Friends
Tony Tyler
Tony Tyler and Friends
Tony Tyler Trance
Toubab Krewe
Traditional Irish Music Session
Trailside Phantoms
Trailside Phantoms **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Treedomm Band
Trippin Shoes **Inactive as of 1/9/20
Tropico BLVD
Troublesome Creek
Tru Phonic
Trubble Behind
Tucci Group OLD 11-2-14
Tucci Project
Uncle John's Band
Undercover OLD 11-2-14
Underground Springhouse
Undr8ed Acoustic
Unicorns Unite Festival
Unlimited Devotion
Victoria Cardona Music
Virginia Sweet
Voodoo Soup OLD 11-2-14
WAHH World Fusion Band
Wednesday Night Players Jam
Wester Joseph's Stereo Vudu
Which Doctors
Whiplash And The Break Neckers
Whippersnap Music and Arts Festival
Whiskey Jam
Wild Energy
Wild Horses
Wild Root
Wilkins Music
Woody & Sunshine
WOR - A Tribute To Women of Rock
You&I **Inactive as of 1/9/20
ZEN Seraphine
Zorba the Buddha & Hundred Hawks