The Time Framed

The Time Framed

Alternative, Blues, Classic Rock, Dead

The Time Framed is imaginative rock with a layer of heavy. Spoken through metaphor and archetype.

For it's members, The Time Framed is a big step in the long journey towards recovery, healing, and growth. Through music, they share their experiences and let everyone who has survived the unfathomable know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Their message is that music is more than an art form. Music has the ability to affect how people interact with the world, and if people were to use such a medium with the intent to make the world a better place it would be so. **Inactive as of 4/3/21

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled.

Previous Events

Venue Date
Brass Mug
August 6, 2020
8-midnight (mult bands)
Hooch and Hive
September 7, 2019
2pm till close (Benefit)
$Benefit Spring Domestic Violence Shelter
Blue Note
May 18, 2019
Brass Mug
March 16, 2019
3 PM
Brass Mug
February 15, 2019
7 PM to 3 AM