Mermaid Tavern

Mermaid Tavern

6719 N. Nebraska Ave.
Tampa, FL 33604
(813) 238-5618
Map View: Click here

A restaurant is a place to eat, but taverns have been social spaces for over 1,000 years. Our service is basic, because your uninterrupted thought or punchline is more important than us pushing another round of drinks. We strive to select top-quality local, sustainable and family-owned suppliers, and virtually everything down to the ketchup, is made in-house. We think ethical means doing the right thing when no one can see, even when it’s not always profitable. People should locally control their food, water and beer, because when facing a Corporatocracy, our daily choices matter. Thanks for choosing us and welcome aboard! Inactive as of 7/12/23

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled.

Past Events

Artist Date
Chew w/Highway Advisory Radio
November 14, 2020
Dean Johanesen
Acoustic, Americana, Jazz, Swing
March 31, 2019
Taylor Raynor
Acoustic, Americana, Folk, Indie
December 16, 2018
Dean Johanesen
Acoustic, Americana, Jazz, Swing
November 17, 2018
Sleeping Pills with Jensen Surf company
July 21, 2018