Pete's Bar Neptune Beach

Pete's Bar Neptune Beach

117 First Street
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
(904) 249-9158
Map View: Click here

Pete’s Bar was the first bar to “legally” open in Duval County after Prohibition was repealed in 1933. The establishment actually precedes the founding of Neptune Beach as a city in 1931.

Their secret to the continued success of the bar was to change nothing. Nancy Jensen once said, “I had one man walk in the door and say ‘thank God.’ And I said why are you saying that sir? He said “I haven’t been at the beach for 40 years. Everything has changed but Pete’s.”

Pete's Bar... Historical grounds with
a slight drinking problem...

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled.

Past Events

Artist Date
Honey Hounds
Blues, Funk, Rock, Rockin Blues
Album Release Party
April 18, 2024
7:00pm - 11:00pm